Second part: The diet on Ayahuasca retreat and ceremony

I continue with some clarifications about the original article published in my previous post. Y0u can read the first part here.

I've received quite a few questions about which are the best vegetables to consume. A raw green leafy salad is a good choice. All kinds of water vegetables, especially zucchini of all kinds, eggplant, leeks, varieties of pumpkins (eating in moderation), Swiss chard, spinach, peppers, etc. Eat your fill, no matter the amount.


Another issue to keep in mind is what types of carbohydrates to consume. Among the seeds, quinoa and buckwheat are the best options. You have to avoid cereals completely. Among the vegetables, we can choose roots with high carbohydrate content: carrots, turnips and beets as very acceptable, but remember to consume it in moderate amounts. We must be very cautious about the consumption of radish, because it is a spicy food. Potatoes and sweet potatoes can be consumed, but in moderate amounts, due to their high carbs content. 500g per day, in total, should be enough for a combined lunch of roots (each person's need is different and that should be determined in advance). We must also clearly decide in advance if we prefer seeds or roots at lunch, because you should never eat them together. In the jungle you only have roots: yucca, pelma, papachinia, sweet potato, etc. These are the hydrates that are usually consumed along with green plantain.


With regard to fruits, they should not be eaten too late. The ideal is to do so when we drink water, right after the ceremony. I usually take my second ration in the early afternoon. In my usual life, I try to consume an amount of around two kilos of fruit a day, but not so much on ceremonial days. It's very important to differentiate fruits into two types: those with the higest and lowest count of sugar. We recommend - for daily consumption and also for the ceremony: melon and watermelon (better alone); grapes, apples and pears (slightly cold ones, for Ayahuasca); blueberries, peach, apricot, medlar, plum and papaya are always great. Cherimoyas, cherry, fig and persimmons are not so advisable for the afternoons of ceremony, because they are too sweet. Bananas and dates are not recommended: they’re too sweet. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, pineapple and a few drops of lemon and tangerines (very few) should be consumed in moderate amounts, and outside of ceremony hours, because they are quite acidic. Oranges, grapefruit and other citrus fruits are not used in the way of shamanism due to its high acidity.


The salt is a necessary option. The pink one or mine's salt is the best and traditionally used in rainforest. Certainly you have to be insipid as the sky, water and breeze, but kidneys need stimulation and strength to support us during the long nights followed by deep concentration. Few but fundamental, specially for those not well trained. The sacred touch weakness in its body spring: the kidneys, it's a problem pretty shared between people in cities. They fail a lot in shamanism and themselves due to it. Let's don't play loosening too much: the long Spirit abandoning, its  weak touch; the abuse of over - stimulation, ansiety and sex, come clearly to light  through the lack of salt and nourishment (forced fast). A ceremony is the worse moment to test this kind of self limits, the result may be a serious mess.


Another issue is fasting: Should we or should not we eat? The answer is clear: you have to eat, you need energy to maintain strength or to work towards balance in Arutam. City people are very weak, they are not a pure breed raised in nature, they are full of sacred touch and they practice sexual abstinence with care. With the fire of life weak between the kidneys, they cannot resist and work well, especially with Ayahuasca, although this applies to any entheogen. Fasting is dangerous and useless in shamanism, except for experts. The energy of the food helps us when the sacred touch is insufficient. It is also essential to resist, to avoid falling apart, especially in those ceremonies with strong power plants and in the company of powerful masters. In any case, what we need is to eat small quantities, and very early, before noon on the days of ceremony.