Conversations with the shade before Arutam light
The beast and the trees
Shamanism and Ayahuasca ceremony difficulties. Discussions with Arutam Ruymán in Geneva, Switzerland.
The main purpose and the minor ones for the man walking the path of Shamanism
Clarifying difficulties during Ayahuasca retreat and ceremony
Asking for advice in shamanism: Relevant questions on traditional ayahuasca ceremony to Arutam Ruymán
Question: In the first week that I was with you, I had very intense visions. They were good, but brief visions. Many things were revealed to me. However, in these last ceremonies, my visions are no longer so intense as they were before. My question is this: is it really important to have visions? Is it possible to achieve the healing effect required without having any vision? Maybe the Great Spirit is angry with me, and that’s why I have no more visions. In the first ceremony my visions were in color, while in the latter, the visions were black and white or gray.